If you’re like me, then I know you have searched for cheap vacation ideas online trying to fit a “deal” into your family time and budget. Most deals online don’t offer what families really need, such as kitchen facilities, adult activities and childcare or kids clubs. A cheap vacation idea usually involves settling for something less than ideal and can lead to sudden booking and transportation problems that ruin vacation plans.
The solution for many people looking for cheap vacation ideas is to go camping, not take a vacation or commit to something so far off in the future that they don’t even know if they will be able to go, or even worse, not want to go by the time it rolls around because they have found something better elsewhere.
Uh oh. That’s not very relaxing. I want a holiday, not an obligation.
The concept of cheap vacation ideas can bite us back because you get what you pay for in this world. Most hotels and resorts offer up last-minute deals to get “heads in beds” and increase their occupancy throughout the holiday seasons. Two tired approaches to fulfilling the need for affordable travel and the increased demand for occupancy are Vacation Clubs and Timeshares.
Vacation Clubs allow access to rooms among a variety of resorts while Timeshares have a dedicated resort or condominium that someone can buy for a specified period during the year. Both have drawbacks, such as a high cost for limited selection or lower cost with wider selection and limited access. In an effort to overcome both these shortcomings, there is a new Vacation Club Membership on the market (actually is not new, but has been around for 21 years and is only now offering its memberships to the general public). Global Resorts Network has combined a network marketing strategy with a worldwide selection of 4 and 5 star resorts.
Many people search for cheap vacation ideas hoping to land a sweet deal at a five star resort. Most people know that luxury resorts have room rates from $200 – $600 per night. In contrast, a cheap vacation idea with Global Resort Network starts at $298 per week. The nice thing about this is that you can book in advance, save money and choose where you want to go with your loved ones. This is the #1 benefit of a membership with Global Resorts Network.
In the past, everyone had to save up for vacations or pay for them on credit. Now a cheap vacation idea is all about joining and promoting Global Resorts Network. Not only is GRN a perfect way to have access to 4 and 5 star resorts all over the world, you can also promote it and earn a substantial income.
No matter how you come to choose your next vacation, or come up with your own cheap vacation ideas, I hope that you and your family can enjoy your time together.