Traveling Tips For Visiting India

A passport, visa and other crucial documents are required before visiting India on vacation. Always take these travel documents on your person, while you are in the country as well. It’s better to retain a copy of the passport, and other travel documents, safe and stored in a separate place, in case they get lost or stolen. It’s a good idea to retain a copy of your travel insurance policy, and records of any traveler’s cheques you’ve got, where they were obtained; the quantity and serial numbers, and never store them together. Consider giving photocopies of these travel documents with a friend or family member at home.

To visit certain attractions in India one needs additional permits to: Gujarat, Andaman Islands, Kerala, Ladakh, and more. Seek advice from your travel agent or embassy when planning your trip .Safety is a very important aspect to keep in mind. Be cautious about pick pockets and robbers in buses, trains and congested locations. Be extra aware of dimly lit and solitary locations.

There are many amazing travel adventure destinations in India that one should make plans to see. There are many outdoor recreational sports that one can participate in as well.

Never keep all your money in one location. If the passport is stolen or lost, immediately report it to the local law enforcement station, and report to your country’s embassy or consulate. While on a trip by yourself don’t acquaint yourself with unfamiliar people. Don’t encourage beggars.

Traveling to India depends upon the areas of India you intend to investigate. November-March is the optimum time to go to most of the country India, weather wise. For a holiday to the north – mountainous areas of India, the months of April to October are better suited as the climate is usually cooler in the North. For exploring the Southern portions of India, the best months are between November to January, since the South is the coolest in these months. One of the best times to learn more about Ooty, Darjeeling and other mountain areas, are in March, April, October and November. If you’re traveling to India during the spring or summer, it is advisable to stay to the hill stations.

In the winter, avoid Kashmir, unless you’re heading for skiing adventures, or Ladakh, both are on the list of some of the coldest inhabited areas there are. Summer season in India lasts from March to June. The winter month’s season are from October to February. The monsoon season is from July to September.

While planning to visit India during the summer, plan on light cotton comfortable clothes. One can possibly wear shorts also. Women should consider dressing conservatively. While visiting North India during the summer season consider bringing some warms garments as it can get cold there. During the winter, especially in the Northern areas, pack some warm, woolen clothes and boots or shoes. During the rainy season, the humidity level can be quite substantial, so don’t wear synthetic attire. It’s better to wear cotton garments in this season as well.

India is famous for its delightful cuisine. However, it is crucial to pay attention to the way your meals are cooked, served and stored. Ensure that food is cooked in clean hygienic spot. Rigorously stay clear of street food and cut fruits. Search for a clean restaurant, especially in summers. Eat well balanced, healthy meals. Food poisoning can be an issue in India, especially from roadside vendors.

Always carry water containers with you while traveling, and when needed, buy only brand name mineral water. If you desire juice, select a brand name that are sold in tetra packs.

Bring a first aid kit – adhesive bandages, thermometer, water-purification tablets, prescription antibiotics, antiseptic ointments and mosquito repellents. In summers since it gets so hot, carry an umbrella whenever possible. Keep good sunscreen and sun block lotion cream of SPF 15 or higher, applied and with you. If you get sick while on vacation, seek medical treatment immediately and do your best to keep cool.

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